Lydia Hill-Wood
Chartered Landscape Architect
Lydia is the company director of the practice and has close contact with many developers, planners and Local Authorities such as Kent County Council, London Borough of Greenwich, Haringey, Southwark and many others. Her team skills include working with other professions in the team and co-ordinating the development proposals to work for every project. With deep understanding and experience in all forms of development, ranging from Public Open Spaces to residential development, including retail through to education, covering all design aspects from concept through to construction. Lydia has worked on a variety of projects for large developers such as Persimmon Homes, Local Authorities, contractors such as WWMartin and Kier Construction. These schemes have ranged from private residential developments up to 5,000 homes, national heritage assets such as Battle Abbey, retail parks and new schools. Lydia has prepared project information within a team which co-ordinates arboriculture, ecology, LVIA, EIA’s, site surveys and design.
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