As part of a series of articles showcasing examples of projects that The Design Review Panel has reviewed over the last 12 months we are please to share Prospect House in Bromley.
Situated in a Bromley town centre, the project has been designed by Goldstein Heather Architects, and is for the replacement of an existing office building, with an Art Deco inspired office and residences. The architect’s website states:
“A harmonious colonnade creates a sense of civic generosity and an open face to the local streetscape, where the existing buildings are defensive and introverted. The residential element above echoes the architectural gesture of the stepping colonnade, but the use of lighter brick, precast bands and elegant balconies underscore the different use. To the rear of the building, residents will also benefit from landscaped gardens and play space for their children, while, higher up from their balconies, they will have sweeping views beyond London to the Kent countryside.”
The proposals were for the demolition of an existing building and the erection of a 10 storey building (plus basement) to provide 1,759sqm office floor space Use Class Order Class E(g)(i) on the ground floor and first floor with 61 residential flats (9 studio, 38 x 1
bed and 14 x 2 bed) above and provision of 11 parking spaces.
Overall, The Design Review Panel felt the proposals had been carefully considered and that the applicant had set a very clear agenda of what they wished to achieve. The design team clearly articulated an appropriate response to the context and end user requirements; subject to various suggestions, the proposals were considered to be sophisticated with much to commend them.
The local authority case officers planning committee report states the following:-
"The design of the proposal is influenced by the existing Art Deco style buildings on the High Street. The proposal has been subject to a design review process resulting in a reduction of building height, massing, scale and layout. The design quality of the proposal reflects the role of this designated site as Business Improvement Area in Bromley Town Centre. The proposed building would echo the building typology along Elmfield Road with a cluster of buildings up to 10 storeys in height ...
... The proposed new office accommodation would strengthen the competitiveness of the site and provide an improved office environment in Bromley Town Centre. This application includes the provision of 61 residential dwellings including 8 intermediate dwellings and this would represent a significant contribution to the supply of housing within the Borough and optimist the potential of the site. The proportion, scale residential density of the proposal would be intensified which reflects the role of this designed town centre site."
The project was approved at planning committee on the 20th May 2021. A copy of the officers report can be seen by clicking here ...
Images by Goldstein Heather (